Six and Norm:
Thanks for your replies. I appreciate the feedback. Depending on the mindset of the reader, the reader's background and experiences, personal faith-if any, and the reader's dispositons or pre-dispositions in this sensitive area, almost any interpretation could be voluntarily READ into the account.
Is that the result we are looking for? I hope not. I despise and hate pedophiliacs and my conscience does allow me to seek revenge if I were the victim. However, we are discussing the account in Numbers 31. While religion is a hot bed of hypocrisy, pedophilia, dual personalities, politics, corruption and just plain evil, the context of the account is about the occupation of foreign territories in Canaan, not an account leading up to the final "pot of gold", 32,000 young pubescent virgins for spoil.
The disposition of the virgins in chapter 32 (please read) discloses how the virgins were in fact distributed evenly, in the same manner as the other captured materials and livestock.
Now, does the account mention the violation and copulation with livestock? You know the answer.
While I am no fan of organized religion any longer, I am still a fan of justice. The bible may contain errors and superstitions and other problems, but when reading what is written on those pages, there is no profit in impugning meanings, unless you have concrete evidence to support it, other than the way something "looks". Sorry, I am forced to continue disagreeing.